
Dilapidation or Pre-Construction Condition Reports

A Dilapidation Report or condition inspection report is a specialized building inspection that identifies any pre-existing issues such as cracking, subsidence, building defects or damage to surrounding and adjacent properties prior to new construction commencing on a commercial or residential building site. This is so that any any problems or claims that may arise after construction are able to be compared to the pre-existing condition report.  

Who can order a Dilapidation Report?

A Dilapidation Report can be ordered by a builder or developer when new construction is planned on a building site to document the condition of adjacent properties prior to construction commencing.  A Dilapidation Report can also be ordered by the owner of adjacent properties.  This report will note the existing condition of surrounding properties prior to new commercial or residential construction. A post-construction Dilapidation Report can also be ordered if a pre-construction condition report was carried out.

Things that may be included in a Dilipidation Report

Things included in a dilapidation report by All Suburbs Building Inspections and Reports may include the current condition of surrounding property including; roads, footpaths, curbing and channeling, driveways, retaining walls, boundary fences, external walls, or the internal condition of other commercial or residential structures around the perimeter of the proposed building site

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When undertaking New Construction

When you are planning to undertake any new construction which is near or adjacent to other properties, or your property is one adjoining any planned development or construction, you need to consider the possibility that problems may arise in surrounding properties due to the building works and getting a dilapidation report.

Dilapidation Reports document pre-existing condition

Before you contemplate carrying out any new building work as the developer or builder, or if you plan to engage a builder or developer to carry out any construction works on your property, it is strongly recommended that you consider having a dilapidation report carried out to determine any pre-existing condition of any adjoining building structures or infrastructure.

A further dilapidation report may be carried out at completion of construction so that any changes may be documented, and so that relative rectification works may be undertaken if required. As a property owner, if building works are about to be carried out on a construction site adjoining your property it is recommended you have a dilapidation report carried out on your property before any building work is commenced.

Construction that may require a Dilapidation Report

The types of buildings and structures for which dilapidation inspections and reports may be conducted include; houses, units, townhouses, sheds, garages, and commercial buildings, such as factories, warehouses, retail shops, factories etc.Surrounding infrastructure is also included in the dilapidation report to all adjoining properties around the perimeter of the site, which may be adversely affected by the planned construction.

Common problems that may occur during construction

Common problems that may occur include cracking, leaking or deterioration to building elements in adjoining properties.  Before any construction is undertaken you need to determine any possible existing problems, which if not documented prior to construction can cause potential problems and possibly disputes or claims later.

Damage and defects can be caused by any kind of construction or development including new buildings like unit complexes or high-rise developments, major renovations to existing structures, road building, or other infrastructure and can come from demolition, use of heavy equipment, piling, vibration, underground tunneling, or excavation, or other traffic or persons onsite during construction.

All substantial visible defects such as cracking, settlement, subsidence, movement, water seepage, concrete deterioration, distortion of building elements, and any other building defects that exist prior to construction, or may have occurred during construction, are recorded in the dilapidation report in the form of notes and photographic evidence.

Protecting your interests and avoiding disputes and claims



Before any construction is commenced you need to determine any possible existing problems, which if not documented prior to
construction can cause potential problems and possibly disputes or claims as the developer or builder it is important to protect yourself against possible litigation or fraudulent claims from neighbours for damage to their surrounding properties that are allegedly caused by the construction works.

A carefully documented and prepared dilapidation report which contains photographic evidence of both the pre and post construction condition of the building site and any surrounding property is useful for any party wishing to protect their interests; including builders, developers and homeowners, as any damage caused by the construction would need to be repaired by the party who caused the damage.

Any changes and variations that may have occurred in between the commencement and completion of construction are compared and identified with help of the dilapidation report. As the home or property owner of adjoining properties you can likewise protect yourself in the event that damage is caused by the construction and it is claimed that the problem was pre-existing.

Often the pre-construction dilapidation report noting any existing conditions will be agreed upon and signed by all affected parties before building work commences, or the party who orders the report keeps this as a record in the event of any issues arising from the construction.

Providing Dilapidation Reports for affected parties ensures that liability for any damage which may occur during construction can be accurately and fairly assessed by to ensure the best possible outcome for all involved e.g. the property developers, builders and property owners. A Dilapidation Report can assist and protect property owners and property developers by eliminating the possibilities of people making claims for defects they allege occurred due to construction works and making fraudulent claims, either during construction or after the construction works has been completed.

Independent Inspection Report

Your Dilapidation Report is performed and prepared by a independent building consultant who is qualified and fully licensed to perform such inspections.

All Suburbs Building Inspections and Reports “ASBIR” goes to great lengths to ensure we provide an accurate and unbiased report on the current condition of structures prior to, and if required, also after completion of construction.

Our Dilapidation Reports contain photographic evidence documenting pre-existing defects to the condition of both residential and commercial structures where new construction is to take place.

Master Builders Institute of Building Consultants Member

Master Builders is the number one source of practical and relevant information regarding the Queensland building and construction industry. Institute of Building Consultants IBC members provide a complete consultancy service to the community and the building and construction industry.

“We provide the highest quality building inspection reports and professional service that is second to none”

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